Thursday 8 April 2010

Successful Zazzler's Story

masterpiececafe's Store at Zazzle
By sicara  sicara
Courtesy of

 Q: How did you find Zazzle

A: When I first was looking into PODs it came down to Zazzle and another place. For various reasons I started somewhere else. But Zazzle did a few products better so after a few months I opened 3 stores at Zazzle too. But when my first POD became greedy and changed their business practices I devoted all of my POD time to Zazzle.

Q: What made you decide to open a store of your own?

A: I wanted to compliment the products I was selling elsewhere and Zazzle had some products that were far superior. I also didn’t want to lose my names so I opened 3 stores on Zazzle. MasterpieceCafe specializing in fine art images, YesterdayCafe specializing in retro images and ChristmasCafe specializing in retro Christmas images.

Q: You are now a pro seller, but we all started out somewhere. When was your first sale? Do you recall what it was?

A: As I recall my first sale was about 5/6 weeks after opening MasterpieceCafe and it was one postcard, I made 8 cents.

: There are many shops on Zazzle, some are pros, most are not. Why do you think your store succeeded?

A: I hang out in the forums and read, learn and ask questions. There is so much great information in the forums and so many wonderful, patient SKers that are willing to help newbies along. I also work almost daily on my stores to try and keep them fresh for spiders. I try to make complete, descriptive titles, subtitles and descriptions and use as many relevant keywords as I can think of. I also spend a lot of time making sure each image looks good on the product and isn’t just thrown up there and forgotten.

Q: That first sale led to many others, how long after you opened did you become a pro seller here at Zazzle?

A: I opened in March 2009, but didn’t really start adding much product until June. I became a proseller at the end of September 2009.

Q: Zazzle has helped many people meet goals that they otherwise wouldn’t have achieved. What has Zazzle helped you to achieve in your personal life?

A: Zazzle has helped us catch up on bills! I’m a SAHM and with the economy the way it is times have been tough for a while. Hopefully by the end of this year we’ll be in a better financial place and what I earn with Zazzle will help us go on our first real family vacation!!

Q: For most each product or design they create is special. What is your most favourite design and why?

A: I love many of my designs (well, not really “mine” since my stores are built with public domain images) but my favorite is probably Vincent van Gogh’s Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun. It’s such a bright and cheery image. But I have many favorites, who doesn’t love the work from the Masters?

Q: If you could give any piece of advice to a Zazzle newbie what would it be?

A: Go to the forums and read and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Especially read “The Top Ten Mistakes Zazzlers Make which is stickyed in the New to Zazzle forum.

Q: What is your favourite aspect about Zazzle?

A: There is so much to love about Zazzle, but if I have to say one thing it’s the sense of community in the forums and how wonderful and helpful both the other SKers are and the staff is. (I guess that’s two things!)

You can find MasterpieceCafe’s main site here:

The stores may all be found below:
yesterdaycafe's Store at Zazzle
christmascafe's Store at Zazzle

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